26 nov. 2010

Weather in Turku, Finland now:

-13°C and sunny, feels like -17°C

Next week is going to be even colder.

The sun rises at 08.57 and goes down at 15.37.
The sun is up for 6h and 40min.

Hip Hip Hooray for Finland and winter...

Viimeisimmät havainnot

Selkeää ja poutaa -13 °C
N 2 m/s
Selkeää ja poutaa

Tuntuu kuin: -17°

Ilmanpaine: 1008.8 hPa

Kastepiste: -15°

Suht. kosteus: 83.2%

Näkyvyys: 55 km

Aurinko nousee: 08.57

Aurinko laskee: 15.37

Päivän pituus: 6 h 40 min

25 nov. 2010

What's Important

En liten påminnelse åt alla er fellow students.
Glöm inte vad som verkligen är det viktigaste i livet.

"Success has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it."

23 nov. 2010

Let it snow!

Yes, it's snowing -a lot. And for my big surprise I kind of like it. I think I have a love-hate relationship with snow. I don't like cold weather and usually snow equals cold. I also have the memory from my childhood of an anxious father every time it snowed, naturally because for him, snow meant work. So I can't like snow. But today I found myself admiring the landscape and thinking "Oh, how I've missed the snow...". I never thought I could miss the snow, even if it has been almost a year since I've seen this much snow. But I did.